Reading the Bible in High Definition: Jia Debrey’s Unique Adventure
Welcome back as we follow along with Kuyper College in their adventure to Israel! To learn about this trip, and how it all started, click here!
“My trip to Israel was the greatest experience I’ve ever had,” said Jia Debrey.
The Kuyper junior is one of the students who recently returned from “Journey to the Land of the Text,” the beloved educational experience that takes learners to the land of Scripture.
“I learned about the Bible from my parents and church, but I never thought about what it would be like to travel to the place where its events actually happened,” she said.
Debrey described floating in the Dead Sea, visiting the place where David fought Goliath, and climbing the notorious “snake path” to Masada – just a fraction of the adventures she had in Israel.
One of her favorite parts of the trip was being immersed in the culture of the Holy Land.
“Interacting with the people there and trying to speak their language was hard but fun, and our guide helped us a lot. I also loved visiting the Western Wall and seeing how the crowd was divided into male and female sides,” Debrey said.
Now that she has returned home, she reads Scripture in an entirely new light.
“This pilgrimage, as I like to call it, was a special opportunity from God to dive deeper into His Word,” she said. “After being there, I pictured and read the Bible differently.”
When Debrey recently heard her pastor preach the story of Jesus walking on the Sea of Galilee, she was transported back to her time in Israel.
“I could honestly picture Jesus walking on water and telling His disciples not to be afraid because I had been to the place where He did it,” she recalled.
Debrey recommended “Journey to the Land of the Text” to anyone who might be considering embarking on the adventure themselves.
“There is so much in Israel to learn. Go and experience it for yourself! When you come home, you’ll want to go back again and again. Hopefully, I get to go again someday too,” she said.