Equipping Youth Leaders
MinorYouth Ministry
The youth ministry minor prepares you to engage young people in a relational, real, and relevant way. You will enter today’s youth culture to show love with a desire to know youth in their environments. You will train and equip youth ministry volunteers, staff, and families, modeling and encouraging discipleship through serving others.

Of students serve in an internship
Average class size
Of students receive financial aid
Faculty to student ratio provides students with personal attention
Career Opportunities
Kuyper’s minor in youth ministry equips and empowers you to make a difference in the lives of today’s youth. Our comprehensive youth ministry curriculum offers a holistic approach to youth ministry.
Youth ministry program graduates will be able to work as:
Youth Pastor
Youth Program Coordinator
College Ministry Coordinator
Student Discipleship Coach
Director of Youth and Outreach
Director of Youth Spiritual Formation
Children’s Ministry Coordinator
Camp Coordinator/Director
Internship Opportunities
The goal of the youth ministry internship is to provide opportunities for professional development. In selecting internships, emphasis is placed on individualizing the needs of students and matching them with ministerial training resources.
Cornerstone Church
The Navigators
The Other Way Ministries
Thornapple Community Church
Peace Church
West Michigan Youth for Christ
River Rock Church
Calvary Church
Bethany Christian Services
Grand Rapids Young Life
City Chapel
Youth Unlimited
Tall Turf Ministries
Grand Rapids Initiative for Leaders
Kentwood Community Church
New City Neighbors
Corinth Reformed Church
Madison Square Church
Rockford Reformed Church
Spring Valley Community Church

Begin your Journey

Program Outcomes
The youth ministry minor coupled with a major in ministry leadership, business leadership, social work or interdisciplinary studies equips you for a career in which you can make a difference by:
- Teaching, preaching, and communicating the Word of God effectively.
- Applying knowledge, skills, and training from the classroom into the field of youth ministry.
- Demonstrating knowledge, skills, and empathy in ministering to the youth of various cultures and subcultures through the art of contextualization.
- Demonstrating servant leadership by sharing responsibility with others to help them realize God’s gifting and equipping in their lives for ministry.
- Being a living example of the Gospel in word and deed, demonstrating Christ’s presence in life.

“Kuyper gave life to my love for Scripture and youth ministry. I often draw from my formation at Kuyper to bring God’s grace into my own ministry context.”
Jesse Zandee Youth Ministry Director, Thornapple Community Church
Meet the Faculty
The youth ministry program faculty do not just teach, but they also do, as they have many years of experience as youth ministry practitioners. As such you will benefit from their academic knowledge, but always within the context of ministering to youth.

Dr. Richelle B. White
Professor of Youth Ministry and Director of Practicum and InternshipsProgram Curriculum
Kuyper’s youth ministry curriculum offers a holistic approach to youth ministry that promotes building intentional relationships with students and engages real issues in youth culture that are relevant to the contexts of today’s youth.
While there is a set curriculum for the youth ministry program, you will receive individualized academic advising to personalize this program to your specific areas of interest.
Contemporary Youth Culture
This course will explore the complex dynamics of contemporary youth culture. It will help students to develop practical skills for the thoughtful understanding of culture with a special emphasis on the worlds of music and media.
Pastoral Care with Adolescents
This course explores the personal qualities and interpersonal skills which help create a welcoming and compassionate presence for youth.
Youth Ministry in an Urban Setting
The objective of this course is to give students a vision for youth ministry in an urban environment. It will focus on the city, its youth who live with its challenges, and the opportunities that are available to the church for youth ministry.
Ministry Leadership Internship and Seminar
This senior-level internship and seminar involves a two-semester placement in a church, parachurch, or community ministry. This experience allows for integration into the ministry setting through building relationships, working with a team, and completing administrative tasks.
Christian Camping, Conference, and Retreat Ministry
A study of the philosophy, principles, and administration of programs of various types of ministries. It includes exposure to adventure camping in an experiential learning environment. Consideration is given to the needs of children, youth, and adults.
Relational Ministry
This course explores the intricacies of a bedrock approach to relational ministry in youth ministry. Topics include initiating relationships, developing mentors, guiding discipleship, facilitating small groups, and practicing pastoral care skills.